Compagnie de Comédie will put on a stage play titled "Speedball - Vom Leinwandstrip zum Drogentrip" premiering on 04-09-2014 in Rostock.
Director Fabian Ranglack informed me that this play is (very loosely) based on the life and career of Ulrike Butz.
From the press release:
"Ulrike Butz, one of the most wanted actresses in the German sexfilmindustry of the early seventies, died in 2000 at the age of 46.
She, the pretty girl from next door, who had high ambitions and dreamed of the big breakthrough when she left her parents house at 17, has become a tragic symbol of a filmindustry that shamelessly used the dreams of young girls for moneymaking purposes.
But SPEEDBALL is no biography of Ulrike Butz, neither a portait of the early seventies. It is simply the story of a young girl who went out into the world to become famous - at any cost ... This year she would have celebrated her 60th birthday.
Eins hat Daria Elena Hasse, die die Rolle der Ulrike übernimmt, mit ihrer darzustellenden Figur gemein: Sie kennt den nervenaufreibenden Kampf eine anerkannte Schauspielerin zu werden: Das Tingeln von Schauspielschule zu Schauspielschule, die Castings, die Selbstzweifel ... Die 19jährige hat bei der Compagnie de Comédie ihr freies kulturelles Jahr absolviert und stellt mit dieser Inszenierung ihre Abschlussarbeit vor."
Contact details:
Tel.: 0381 / 20 36 084